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Fitting the Pieces of our Diverse World into One Campus (Diversity) 
Finding Your Missing Piece: How to Release your Inner Leader (Leadership)

Listed below are the program tracks being offered at MACURH 2014! Program submission will open September 1, 2014! If you have any questions until then, feel free to contact our Programming Chair at! 

These programs are centered on becoming the best leader you can be or refining the leadership skills you already have. Leadership on a college campus can take on many different forms—from being a leader in a residence hall, to a club, an organization, in the classroom, etc. Therefore, programs submitted to this topic should center on building, maintaining, and refining leadership skills.

College campuses are great places to find all types of diversity; and this diversity must be celebrated and cultivated. These programs will do just that—promote the positive aspects of a diverse campus. Examples of programs could include cultural festivals, holiday celebrations, ethnic dinners, etc. The goal of these programs is to create a campus that not only has diversity, but has individuals that truly appreciates its rich 

Learning in the classroom is only one means of gaining success in the world of academics. Programs in this topic can cover anything outside of the classroom, such as study nights in the residence halls, writing center workshops, study reward programs, etc. The goal of these programs is to create truly passionate students, who will be leaders at their universities.

A community is a difficult entity to create and it takes a multitude of different pieces, coming together perfectly, in order to create a successful and thriving community. These programs will center on creating and maintaining a community environment, as well as problem solving when communities begin to face problems. Programs for community building in the residence halls would be included under this topic.

Brain Teasers
(Academic Achievement) 
 Putting Together the Jigsaw of a Successful Community (Community Development)

Programming Tracks

Is there something you would like to present but it doesn’t fit into any of the above topics? Do you not have time to present? Do you just really like to make displays? Submitting a display for passive programming is the way to not only present a program without actually presenting, but it is also your chance to earn spirit points for your school. The submission process is the same as the active programs. The only difference is that these programs will be put on display throughout the course of the conference for delegates to read and observe, rather than be presented.

MACURH-U programs are designed to educate the delegates, both first time and returning delegates about the MACURH region and their positions on the regional and national levels. These program sessions will take place on Friday evening, so delegates will have an opportunity to learn about the conference and implement their knowledge over the remainder of the conference weekend. 

There will be ART (Advisor Resource Training) sessions presented during delegate programming sessions. If you have any questions about or want to present ART at MACURH 2014, please contact the MACURH Regional Advisor, Jen Kacere at


 More Puzzles
(Passive Programming)
The Builders Behind the Puzzles (Advisor Programming) 
Seeing the Bigger Picture
Pieces of the RHA
(PCC Programming) 

This new programming track is designed to get all of the PCCs prepared for the upcoming year. Programs submitted to this category are designed to help PCCs, but are also useful for any and all delegates looking to be more involved in programming at their institutions.


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